VIODA new website

22 Nov 2020 by Xavier Vandame

VIODA is delighted to announce the launch of its new website!

Technical issues in the previous website and the need to refresh some of the sections made the committee decide to build a new website.
Supported by the VIODA committee as needed, Cathy Trudinger led the project and spend many many hours on it. Thank you Cathy!

The address remains

Just to name few new additions:
 Upcoming events on the home page
 Facebook feeds on the home page
 An updated “Meet the sailors” section
 A new section “Meet the VOST team”
We will let you discover the rest. As you navigate through the website and find errors or information that does not seem quite right, please do not hesitate to report it on

A few important reminders:
 The first regatta of the season is around the corner. The George Mac at RBYC (Brighton) on Dec 5-6. You can register for on-water support now.
 The OptiParts shop works. For every purchase, you support VIODA.
 Please register for the 2020-2021 season. You will receive a separate email with details instructions. One key element: even if your kid(s) was(were) already registered last year, you still need to enter as “register” opposed to “renew”.

Thank you.
The VIODA Committee.

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