Dear VIODA Families,
I trust this email finds you and your families well.
It goes without saying that the 2019/20 sailing season has been an unusual one, however we are back on track and sailing is back on the agenda.
This is timely as the VIODA membership year ended on 30 September and we are launching a new website utilising Revolutionise Sport.
In order to ensure our membership database is up to date we have not rolled our existing database over into the new website but instead we would like you to register as a new member.
This shouldn’t take long and I have stepped out the process for you below.
1. Open our new website VIODA Home Page Open the Membership tab which is located under the VIODA banner.
3. Once you have read through the membership information, at the bottom of the page there is a button ‘CLICK HERE’ which will take you to the next page.
4. You will be asked to REGISTER or RENEW. Please choose REGISTER this year (next year you will be able to renew).
5. Follow the prompts on the next page as directed, first name, second name and D.O.B of your child. You will get the chance to add your details later in the process.
Choose your registration type (‘Child member’ $85.00 or ‘Child member additional sibling’ $55.00). If you have more than one child registering for the 2020/21 season, you will need to go through this process for each child but only pay the additional sibling amount for the second and subsequent child.
6. Continue to follow the steps on the next page. It will be helpful for us if you include details for two parent contacts if applicable.
If your club doesn’t appear in the drop down box , please choose ‘Other’. Let us know the club that is missing and we can add it in. Just choose one for now and it can be amended once your club has been added. We have endeavoured to cover all clubs so hopefully this won’t be an issue.
If you belong to more than one club you will get the chance to add an additional club later in the process.
Choice of fleet doesn’t lock you into anything however it helps us when we allocate coaches for on-water support or coaching sessions. Please choose the fleet your child would be most likely to enter for the next few regattas. This field can be updated along with other membership details as needed. If your child hasn’t sailed in a regatta before you should probably choose Green fleet.
7. Once REGISTER NOW is selected you will be taken to your Invoice/Statement page. Payment by credit card will incur a 2% fee which will be added to your payment. This is not a VIODA fee but rather a Revolutionise Sport fee. Alternatively, you can pay by bank deposit if you wish to avoid this fee. If you pay by bank deposit please remember to include your Invoice Reference (MR###) which is shown on the Invoice/Statement page. This will assist us when reconciling so that we are able to link your payment to the right membership account.
8. Once registration is completed you will be sent an email with a username and the opportunity to set up a password. Once set up you will be able to log into the website as a VIODA member. It is here that you can update your personal details, and book into on-water support and training events. Please keep a note of your username and password as you will need it to book events and renew your membership next year.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your details when paying for your 2020/21 VIODA membership. As mentioned, this will ensure our database is current with your up to date details. Once membership payment has been received we will send you a VIODA sticker to place on the transom of your Opti. This is proof of membership for the current season.
If you have any questions regarding this process, do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Michelle Levenspiel
VIODA Secretary
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